
Monday, September 11, 2006


9/11 is a very famous number, well one can say infamous! The hot-dial 911 on any American phone is a symbol of security, hope in the times of despair and it was synonymous with God in the time of fear. Ironically, it is the most feared number in America now. 9/11, yes September the 11th, a pleasent Tuesday morning in the middle-aged USA, was that dreadful day. It could be said that it was the birth of a fear unknown to the West. The same fear which is present in every living individual in the Third World.

It was the challenge of the Middle East to the West. They say it was an uprising to extinguish the barbaric control of the World by the West. The American opression of the world had a challenge. This was when undoubtedly America was the most superior nation of the World. In similar situation in the Imperialistic World, the British had had the same barabaric effect in their colonies. America was challenged in 2001, but the British in 1906, on the same day, 9/11.

It was in Sotuh Africa that many Indians led by Mahatma Gandhi gathered to voice thier outrage against the British oppression. Yes on the same date, September 11, 2006, Satyagraha was born, Gandhiji as a force was born! It was that passive aggresive approach of civil disobedience and non-cooperation which crippled the incumbent at that time. A force doesn't work, if the mass is not with the force. This is a simple scientific explanation to the theory of Satyagraha and Mahatma Gandhi indeed showed it that it works. On the other hand the 'oppressed' middle east has a violent approach to non - cooperation. A harsh disobedience to say the least!

So the time has indeed changed a lot since 1906 to 2001? 95 years on and people have forgotten the right way to fight? History needs to repeat itself, otherwise people often forget the mistakes. Glories make up legends, mistakes end up in trash! I guess the purpose of history was to learn from the mistakes, not to commit more brutal mistakes!

Life is too short to learn, thus it is our duty to teach the next generation as soon as possible, otherwise it might be too late. It might happen that one doesn't remember the original importance of 9/11 and what the day stands for.

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