
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Morning After

It is always a different feeling on the morning after. Be it the morning after a successful job interview, after a promotion, after a lovely date, after one's graduation, after first marriage night, after a jetlag and any other morning after you think you have achieved a lot. The feeling is fresh no doubt, but it is actually the period of slope from a high. Almost like a dream has come true and has gotten over.

A few people get a sense of completion and a build-up ego after such major events. While many feel a happy emptiness. Strangely people can turn from being very happy to being very low. People often tend to become very lazy regarding other goals in life after this.

The most interesting moments in a Roulette game are those 30 seconds when the wheel is still spinning. After that it is either a joyful relief or a sad dissapointment. In roulette, you bet on other numbers the next time. But after a big win someone might say, "Don't be too greedy, take home the winnings". But life is not a series of Roulette games. Any achievement should not lead to stillness. Life is a walking pet of yours, it cannot be pulled back by the lead and stoppped at one place. Once you try and do that, you will get pulled ahead by it in a very wild direction. So don't let life lead you, lead your life.

No happiness in permanent, neither is sadness, it is the conitnuously going from one phase to another which is called life. One has to be at the ground to experience a high. The people who can continuously set goals for themselvess and move on, they tend to become high on life. For them all mornings will be like "the morning after".

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