
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Vitamin "I" - Part One

George, as everybody called him, was always seen at the tea shop at the corner. Other than tea, the tea-shop was famous for their delectable preparation of Aloo Parantha. Most of the suave executives from the financial firm behind the shop came to it for having a delightful smoke with an Adrak ki chai, and if someone had a minuscule hint of hunger, George would bring in the bowl of Nimbu ka Acchar and very politely ask, "Sir, Aloo Parantha ready hai!" His endearing smile thereafter left no choice to the executives but to order it.

The service was prompt, 10 - 15 people were kept satisfied at any given time. Executives really adored George's preparation as well his ability to keep his customers happy. Even the most senior guy at the firm was his Parantha fan.

One day, a new hire at the office, Shekar, came out of his first meeting. A young guy in his early 20s had never been insulted by his superior ever in his life, even though the work he did was near perfect. He came out of the meeting, totally dispirited and barked, "That guy's a jerk, why doesn't he keep god as his analyst!" Shekar's mentor responded very calmly and asked him to take a walk with him. They walked through the ramps and reached the gate of their office.

"Do you smoke Shekar?"

"No Rajeev, I never do, I let the cigarette smoke me!"

"Good boy, you can laugh at yourself, then why the hell did you lose the cool in front of your boss?"

"Ah, actually you are right, seniors do tend to take out the best from their juniors, but that guy was more than unreason...", he was cut short by the appearance of George with two steaming hot Paranthas. He's so damn fast, was his first thought.

"You didn't even had the slightest idea that this young man can be that fast? Boy, always look for the number 1."

"But he wants me to get something out of nothing! Isn't that impossible?"

"No Shekar, if you want to get something out of nothing, you have to do nothing for something!"

Shekar obviously didn't get what Rajeev was saying at that time. Soon he was over with his Parantha and was wanting for more, when Rajeev stopped him by mentioning his next deadline. Shekar, impressed by George, gave him a laudatory tip for his service.

"Now Rajeev, don't tell me this is how you get something for nothing!" They both had a hearty laugh and then they moved on towards the office. Shekar soon became a regular customer at George's, and then one day he saw George doing some accounts for his shop.

"What happened?"

"Nothin, sir, me just tryin to go for high profit", George said as best as he could.

"You know George, one day when you shop becomes good, I will be happy to work as your financial advisor!"

George and Shekar had a light laugh after that and they both went on with their works. Another day with his Charminar in his hand, Shekar reached George's and George was in a mood to tell a story.

George said "Sir, do you know how I started this shop?" Shekar was initially shocked by the way he spoke, in a refined accent. He was spellbound and couldn't speak.

"One day I gained some Vitamin I and from there on I came down to this shop," George continued. "I used to work in the financial firm in the opposite building, just like you. One day I scolded my junior very harshly. He in turn gave me an insight, in finance you work with numbers, you mend numbers. Go and work with real money and you'll know how tough it is to get something out of nothing. That day I decided to work here in a tea stall. I have gained what I call as Vitamin "I" here."

"Moreover, I know what is happening in your firm, we beat you in all your deals, and have learnt the lesson of life, how to get something for nothing."

Shekar couldn't come out of this shock and it literally looked that day that his smoke was smoking him and not the other way around.

"You are a very sly person!" shouted Shekar. And then he walked away without paying George. He ran up to Rajeev's room and shouted, "Rajeeeev, that George is a ..."

"SShhhhh", said Rajeev. "Oh he told you the same story too? That George is a hell of a naughty boy, he scares the hell out of you, doesn't he?"

Shekar fell down on the Sofa.

end of part one


shrik said...

Humor filled paranthas is what this story is all about! Part 1 was just fun, in the sense it gives something for nothing... would part 2 carry the momentum!?

Aditya Oday said...

hey shrik

I guess you are right

part two will surely carry the momentum

but its not always that you get a message, you sometimes just get something for nothing :)